September 29th, 2010 § § permalink
like when you move to a foreign country and try to figure out how things (by things i mean technology) work for yourself.
you buy a shiny new tv! yay!

then you try to hook it up.

and then you remember you forgot to hook the cable box to the wall jack… but wait, where is the cable?

of course, you should have known that you needed to buy that separately. because you’re psychic.


September 23rd, 2010 § § permalink
commence the morning by unlocking the deadbolt.

then go to ikea

stand in front of door with IKEA crap and the key won’t go in… note the key on the inside of the door that you forgot about.

call international locksmith … please wait 3 hours

of course locksmith 30 mins late

locksmith pops open door with cardboard (like magic)… in about 20 secs

please pay $75

punch you in the face.

September 22nd, 2010 § § permalink
in fact, you might be surprised how often this happens to a person.

or you might just know well enough all along. 😉

ok, i know i’ve been really MIA, things have been a bit hectic but i promise a new (longer) comic soon!
September 16th, 2010 § § permalink
or not. now this is a lesson i have learned the hard way kids. never underestimate mom guilt. *never*.
the day before my mom flies in i was on my way to the parking lot to go fetch my car.

lo and behold, where are my car keys. “oh. my. god. this is not happening to me” were i believe the exact thoughts running through my head at that point.

so then i go pick her up at the airport. and i kid you not this was totally the conversation we had.

the rest of the weekend was pretty much more of the same.

really, it was fun. i promise. *fingers crossed*.
September 14th, 2010 § § permalink
actually that should probably be the tag line of my life. i can’t tell you the number of times a conversation has started like this:

but of course one of my friends in grad school told me this would be a great idea so why listen to the voice of reason. that would be silly.

that and it’s really hard to say no to a beautiful bike…

September 14th, 2010 § § permalink
you move away from home. and start a new job. and apparently get a really cool co-worker!

he even takes you out for drinks because he’s cool like that.

and then you see the hitch… or well not hitch, i guess it really all depends on how you feel about it.

September 9th, 2010 § § permalink
like when you decide to get a tattoo a month before you run a marathon. or the day before you go back to work from a long weekend.

of course it always helps to have a voice of reason…

granted it might help if you listed to the voice of reason *before* you went and did something.

it could save you a lot of trouble… like say trying to change your plastic wrap at the office because you got a new tattoo… hypothetically speaking, of course.

September 4th, 2010 § § permalink
so there was this girl that i dated for all of a hot minute. and i always think this is the funniest story ever partially because it is completely true. no fabrication or even elaboration involved.
so we went out for about a week, i really liked her so i surprised her with flowers because… well i like flowers, don’t you?

and then she changed her number. seriously she changed her number like 3 times in the week or so that we were dating so i guess it wasn’t that big of a surprise except that you know she didn’t tell me. yeah way to show a girl you like her.

oh and she totally stopped talking to me in public too because we lived in this tiny tiny town so of course you run into each other at any 1 of the 3 bars in town that *everyone* goes to. but i think this was really the moment where i was most baffled:

so yes folks. we’re totally not talking. you changed phone numbers on me. you ignore me in public. but yes, let’s totally be friends on myspace! you remember myspace right? i mean i know it was centuries ago before facebook overtook our lives but yeah, that totally happened. in real life.
September 2nd, 2010 § § permalink
like when you move across an ocean into a totally different life.

and still get emails from the same boy as always.

at least it’s predictable, right?