i mean let’s face it if you are going to sing happy birthday you might as well have a little fun with it… or not.

and clearly it’s not a birthday without CAKE! (which i whole heartedly agree with)

even if it is the red oozy kind… really, who saw that coming?

it’s always exciting when you think your flight is actually going to leave on time. you are boarding.

and then you think you’re going to leave when they make some announcement about a delay.

so you’re thinking to yourself. seriously what could this be?

but i am willing to bet that even with all the possibilities that crossed your mind. having the police come on the plane and escort someone out was not one of them.

yeah, folks it’s pretty impressive when you’re so intoxicated that you are threatening members of the flight crew. i mean honestly, as if flying isn’t enough of a pain why would you go and threaten the flight crew?

personally, i say be nice to the flight crew and maybe they’ll give you a free drink 😉