November 9th, 2010 § § permalink
true story – my roommate and i just moved to a place with central a/c and heat. neither of us have lived in a place with such fanciness in our adult lives so we were pretty excited about it. so when it first got cold, i tried adjusting the temperature and kinda failed but it looked like it kept getting reset so i just assumed he liked it cold. i know, i know, don’t assume.
so i come home one day while he’s in like a thousand layers on the couch.

it was a huge relief to find out that he thought it was super cold too because generally he likes it colder than i do.

but then comes the whole trickiness of using this system. that seems like it should be pretty simple

in the end i just resort to pressing a lot of buttons. i mean something has to happen right?

eventually we gave up and called the landlord. turns out the heater itself was actually broken and we are not complete idiots and it really is as simple as it looks.
October 21st, 2010 § § permalink
really – i mean i like to think that people are generally smart. but maybe i am wrong.

in fact, i am definitely wrong.

is there really no hope for the future?

he could be a troll right?

le sigh.

October 14th, 2010 § § permalink
it’s always those fantastic early morning calls.

because clearly it is always the IT department changin’ stuff up on ya.

or it could just be that the cable is not connected.

it can’t be that simple? or it can.

October 6th, 2010 § § permalink
because you get home to the check actually delivered via fed ex.

so you think, ok maybe captain crazypants did send it to me. with a little extra money for movers. sounds ok… maybe.
and then you open the envelope.

really, there are no words.

oh and as a sidenote: voice of reason – you are fired. EPIC FAIL.
October 5th, 2010 § § permalink
so this is a story about trying to sell something on craigslist.

seriously, you would think it is a simple thing to do. and i mean i know there are weird people on craigslist but generally speaking i don’t believe it is too much to ask to be able to have a simple sales transaction on craigslist. to relatively normal people.

i would be wrong.

now i think this sounds slightly odd but i mean, people are weird. i will check with my “voice of reason” and see what she says.

VOR fail. because clearly this person is capt crazypants.

and i am crazy people fly paper.

October 1st, 2010 § § permalink
especially when you move with someone can be remarkable.

now i have to admit having multiple people help is pretty awesome. but then there are moments when you are moving with someone and you would think that consolidation is a good thing.

but apparently someone doesn’t like to throw things away. so you win one battle.

but say you had to work the next day and your roommate has the day off. so you feel pretty good that y’all have gotten most everything. and crash on the couch. amidst all your boxes.

and wake up to find a microwave. hmmm but i thought there was one in the kitchen here?

oh wait, look there’s another one in the next room…

and wait for it. yes, folks, there is totally a microwave in the kitchen already.

September 29th, 2010 § § permalink
like when you move to a foreign country and try to figure out how things (by things i mean technology) work for yourself.
you buy a shiny new tv! yay!

then you try to hook it up.

and then you remember you forgot to hook the cable box to the wall jack… but wait, where is the cable?

of course, you should have known that you needed to buy that separately. because you’re psychic.


September 22nd, 2010 § § permalink
in fact, you might be surprised how often this happens to a person.

or you might just know well enough all along. 😉

ok, i know i’ve been really MIA, things have been a bit hectic but i promise a new (longer) comic soon!
September 16th, 2010 § § permalink
or not. now this is a lesson i have learned the hard way kids. never underestimate mom guilt. *never*.
the day before my mom flies in i was on my way to the parking lot to go fetch my car.

lo and behold, where are my car keys. “oh. my. god. this is not happening to me” were i believe the exact thoughts running through my head at that point.

so then i go pick her up at the airport. and i kid you not this was totally the conversation we had.

the rest of the weekend was pretty much more of the same.

really, it was fun. i promise. *fingers crossed*.
September 14th, 2010 § § permalink
actually that should probably be the tag line of my life. i can’t tell you the number of times a conversation has started like this:

but of course one of my friends in grad school told me this would be a great idea so why listen to the voice of reason. that would be silly.

that and it’s really hard to say no to a beautiful bike…