oh. the interwebs…

August 11th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

how do i love thee? let me count the ways.

namely for all the stupid people that you encounter.

sometimes you just can’t help but be amused by people who invalidate their own arguments. hehe.

thesis progression fail

August 6th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

it’s always a joy to find out when you are hard at work on something…

or you know, checking facebook, like ya do. that EVERYONE else is already done, while you still have so much left to do.

sometimes, it just makes you want to punch ’em in the face.

just a lil’.

and clearly now is when i want to hear from you

August 2nd, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

i’m sure we’ve all had that person. that thinks of you as “the backup girl” (or boy as the case may be). and they always text/call/email at the most opportune moments. like when you’re at a wedding or something.

but who really wants to be that girl. so in my incredible wisdom and foresight. i say, throw out your phone and go dancing instead!

who needs a life anyway

July 29th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

at least that seems to be what my clients think.

that whole novel concept of coming home and not having to know what’s going on at work has been shattered by this little thing called smart phones.

i remember when i was so excited to get an iphone and to be connected to the world… this is how i feel now:

because i totally live there, right?

July 28th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

i really love random emails from my mother. in the middle of the work day because clearly i’m not, you know, AT WORK or something.

mind you, i have lived ~>1000 miles from home for the last… 9+ years. so, of course, i am the most obvious person to ask when you need a home for a cat for a couple weeks.

i suggest having someone cat sit because that’s totally not your first thought.

of course, the girl is moving out of town so she doesn’t have her apartment. though i clearly remember her parents still live in town so… ummm… yeah.

the best part of waking up

July 27th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

is obviously getting one of those fabulous emails that everyone just loves to get. i dunno about you but generally speaking for me these are dated at some time between 3-6am when, really, you shouldn’t be writing an email. they should make a gmail labs program for that. note to self: count to 10 before sending email. check.

also since everyone keeps asking what the text in the computer screen says, i forget exactly what i wrote but it’s something that’s supposed to be a bit like this:

dear <me>,
i wrote something stupid that didn’t need to be sent.
your crazy <insert person here: ex, mom, boss, satan, you get the idea>

though i think in reality my thoughts were more along the lines of: this is a completely unnecessary, aggravating email that was really poorly thought out and i should not be sending stuff at some stupid hour of the day without thinking it through first. but you know there was only so much space on my tiny computer screen i drew for myself.