October 6th, 2010 § § permalink
because you get home to the check actually delivered via fed ex.
so you think, ok maybe captain crazypants did send it to me. with a little extra money for movers. sounds ok… maybe.
and then you open the envelope.
really, there are no words.
oh and as a sidenote: voice of reason – you are fired. EPIC FAIL.
October 5th, 2010 § § permalink
so this is a story about trying to sell something on craigslist.
seriously, you would think it is a simple thing to do. and i mean i know there are weird people on craigslist but generally speaking i don’t believe it is too much to ask to be able to have a simple sales transaction on craigslist. to relatively normal people.
i would be wrong.
now i think this sounds slightly odd but i mean, people are weird. i will check with my “voice of reason” and see what she says.
VOR fail. because clearly this person is capt crazypants.
and i am crazy people fly paper.
September 14th, 2010 § § permalink
actually that should probably be the tag line of my life. i can’t tell you the number of times a conversation has started like this:
but of course one of my friends in grad school told me this would be a great idea so why listen to the voice of reason. that would be silly.
that and it’s really hard to say no to a beautiful bike…
September 9th, 2010 § § permalink
like when you decide to get a tattoo a month before you run a marathon. or the day before you go back to work from a long weekend.
of course it always helps to have a voice of reason…
granted it might help if you listed to the voice of reason *before* you went and did something.
it could save you a lot of trouble… like say trying to change your plastic wrap at the office because you got a new tattoo… hypothetically speaking, of course.